
Arrl rtty roundup 2016
Arrl rtty roundup 2016

arrl rtty roundup 2016

Inevitably, there will be some crossmode interference as the available FT8 users might therefore consider themselves guests of a sort, in this event. Roundup is 30 years old and has a wide and enthusiastic following.


This article is a brief tutorial on how to do that, using Have been encouraged to try contesting with FT8.


In the Roundup, to be heldon January 5 – 6, 2019, users of the free software package WSJT-X 2.0 ( has always been a multimode contest its rules permit digital modes, such asĪSCII, AMTOR, PSK31, and packet, in addition to Baudot RTTY. Follow these instructions and give it a try! The mind boggles.The popular digital mode makes its HF contest debut Ed made - get this - 3,214 contacts in 24 hours. On another note, NCCC member Ed Muns, W0YK went to Aruba and operated P49X for the RTTY RU. Of course, I am only able to compare it to my G5RVjr, but I made a lot of S&P contacts on my first call, and worked some JAs and China with no problem.

arrl rtty roundup 2016

On the RF side, I continue to be impressed with how well my tree-mounted wire vertical works. The names of those functions (HAM, NET) don't make much sense to me, but I'm a RTTY noob. As it turns out, I tried clicking on the NET button during the contest, and that solved my problem, since it locks the transmit frequency to the receive frequency. What I didn't realize is that I needed to also set the HAM default setting values (directly below the receive settings) - those set the transmit values. No matter what I set the frequency to in the MMTTY preferences, the transmit tone didn't change. I finally reconfigured MMTTY to use the other sound card in my computer for output, so I could listen to it, and I discovered that, although I'd changed the receive mark tone to 915 Hz, MMTTY was still transmitting with a 2125 KHz mark tone (see - my music degree comes in handy from time to time!).


I was definitely putting power to the antenna, and I could hear myself on a portable shortwave receiver, but no QSOs. Support for new transceivers for the CAT system: Yaesu FT-991, FT (DX)-1200, FT (DX)-3000. Easy to setup, easy to connect, easy to use and a lot of fun Enjoy using MixW MixW3 is a next step on the way to the upcoming multiplatform MixW project. However, once I made that change, I couldn't work anyone, not even local stations that really should be hearing me. MixW - Multimode Operating Software For Hams. I was able to change the mark frequency in MMTTY to 915 hz which was within the narrow passband, and I was able to decode signals with no problem, even with W6YX hammering away a few KHz away. So the filter wasn't passing the frequencies the demodulator was looking for. However, MMTTY sends a default mark tone of 2125 Hz. The problem I had was that the passband of the 500 hz filter seems to be centered around 800 hz (a typical CW sidetone/beat frequency), even if you're in LSB or DIG mode. I suppose I could have played around with disabling the AGC and riding the RF gain, but it seemed to make more sense to just use the 500 Hz IF filter. Strong signals within the wide passband would cause the AGC to kick in and the signal I was trying to copy would go away. That really, really, didn't work during the RU. Although I did get things working during the previous Thursday night's NCCC practice, I just used the standard 2.1 KHz filter. I spent a lot of time at the beginning trying to get my 500 Hz filter in the FT-857D working with RTTY. The results:Ĥ0M: 103 QSOs, 29 states/provinces, 5 countriesĢ0M: 16 QSOs, 7 states/provinces, 1 country

arrl rtty roundup 2016

I put in about 9 hours playing in the ARRL RTTY RU this last weekend.

Arrl rtty roundup 2016