Interior scenes, especially those with materials with albedos close to 1.0, cause light paths to be longer and will therefore result in a longer render time. Outdoor scenes tend to render more quickly as rays can escape with fewer and faster bounces. The amount of time it takes to render largely depends on the complexity of the scene and the materials being sampled. The Path Tracer can be used interactively and will quickly start to display pixels with shaded color as samples accumulate. This limitation will be removed in future versions of Unreal Engine. It may therefore be beneficial to remove these nodes from your material graph if you intend to make use of the Path Tracer. However, since the Path Tracer uses ray tracing, even for the camera-visible surfaces, this approximation will be directly visible and will compromise the quality of the output render. This allows Unreal Engine's ray tracing features to use a simpler material compared to the deferred renderer. Optimizing materials for ray tracing features by reducing their complexity using the Ray Tracing Quality Switch node helps reduce their costs at runtime. Ray Tracing Material Quality Switch Nodes
This only appears when working in the editor and is remedied by using the Movie Render Queue to render out final elements. These types of elements do not invalidate path tracing in the editor and appear as blurred, or streaking artifacts in the frame. This is ideal for static scenes and less so for dynamic scenes that include elements such as moving lights, animated skinned meshes, and visual effects. The Path Tracer works by having the renderer accumulate samples over time. For this reason, it is recommended that you keep the Base Color below 0.8 for all diffuse materials.

Materials that reflect all incoming light are rare in the real world, and these tend to have a washed out appearance to their surface. When a material's albedo uses a value close to 1.0, termination of the ray path is less likely to happen, and contributes to longer render times for the frame. Rays that continuously bounce through the scene are less likely to happen because they are terminated by the Russian Roulette technique when possible. The Path Tracer employs the Russian Roulette technique to terminate rays that aren't likely to contribute to the scene sooner. Interior scenes are especially susceptible to this because light rays can take longer to escape the environment before being terminated. Materials which have an albedo value close to 1.0, such as a bright white color, cause rendering of frames to take longer than needed because the path Tracer needs to simulate the path of lights with many bounces. The following are some of the current limitations of path tracing in Unreal Engine.īright Materials slow down interior renders Restart the engine for changes to take effect. The following scenes are examples of the high-quality renders achieved using the Path Tracer.
For example, materials seen in reflections and refractions are rendered without limitations, such as having global illumination and path-traced shadows present.įull integration with Sequencer and Movie Render Queue to support Film / TV quality render outputs. Reduces the feature gap of comparable real time features.
Minimal or no additional setup required to achieve comparable results to other offline renderers. The ability to generate high-quality photorealistic renders with physically accurate results.

The Path Tracer provides the following benefits when compared to other rendering modes:
The Path Tracer only uses geometry and material present in the scene to render its unbiased result, and does not share the same ray-tracing code that has been developed to work well for real-time rendering. The Path Tracer uses the same ray-tracing architecture as other ray-tracing features, such as Real-Time Ray Tracing and GPU Lightmass, making it ideal for ground truth comparisons and production renders. "Virtual tour in Unreal Engine" by ARCHVYZ.